The show is being created in collaboration with Prospect Productions (the co-owners brought you The Biggest Loser and Master Chef) and the whole series focuses on apps and their creators. Obviously, therefore, any startup or founder that makes it through the audition stage will be getting some valuable airtime for their products. 100 will be chosen in total.
Prospect says that anyone selected will need to be available for non-consecutive shoots in Los Angeles between late 2016 and early 2017 and all applicants need a functioning iOS, macOS, tvOS or watchOS app by October 21 to be considered eligible. Betas are fine too.
Successful applicants will get access to "hands-on guidance from some of the world's best experts in tech and entertainment," the chance to meet potential backers to discuss investments of up to $10 million and featured app placement in the App Store at the end of the show. Of course, having a huge metaphorical spotlight shine on you could be a curse if it all ends up going awry, but that''s reality TV for you.