Thursday, 30 June 2016

'The Division' Underground DLC Review: The Dark Below

'The Division' Underground DLC Review: The Dark Below

Yesterday, The Division released its first paid DLC for Xbox One and PC, while the largest portion of its playerbase on PS4 will have to wait a month for the release of Underground, thanks to Microsoft’s timed exclusivity deal. After learning my lesson with Destiny, I became part of the problem by ensuring I started playing The Division on Xbox from the beginning, and therefore I’ve been able to play Underground quite a bit over the course of the past day, in between dodging Delta login errors.

I find Underground to be pretty unique, as DLC goes. In most games, you might expect some new story missions and multiplayer maps from a paid expansion, but The Division is not your typical game. Rather, Underground centers around an entirely new type of activity, a new strain of PvE farming that allows the game in inch ever closer to going full on Diablo 3. And that’s potentially a very good thing.
After one (extremely) brief mission that has you cleaning up the aftermath of a bombing, you receive some intel that there’s some shady stuff going on underneath the streets of the city as gangs try to regroup now that you’ve mostly cleared them off the surface. You return home to find your Base of Operations has expanded with two new sections, one a new place to buy and craft gear, the other the central hub for Underground Operations, probably the most interesting type of content that’s been introduced to The Division since launch, even more intriguing than the free additions of Incursions and High Value Targets (HVTs).

To use the Diablo 3 term, Underground Operations are essentially Greater Rifts, randomized, customizable missions, that are actually even more in-depth than their D3 counterparts. You can choose their difficulty (ranging from cakewalk “Normal” to suicidal “Heroic”), their length (one to three sections) and additional modifiers that will make them more challenging, like not having radar, or giving enemies special ammo.

The point of doing any of this is for XP. Alongside your base rank (which at this point, is likely to maxed at level 30) and your Dark Zone rank, you now have Underground rank. Like the others, you can rank up the lower levels quickly. A normal, one-segment, unmodified run will get you 500 XP, the bare minimum. But increase the challenge, and you’ll rank up fast. A “Hard” mission will get you 750 XP, and a modifier will add another 75 XP. Put two modifiers on, and that’s 75 more XP, plus an additional 75 XP bonus for doing more than one mod a time. Keep going, and multi-segment, high difficulty, ultra-modified missions can net you thousands of XP in one go, but you will be creating for yourself some of the hardest content in the game.

Ranking up will let you buy items from a new special vendor, like you see in the Dark Zone, but more pressingly, each rank gets you a coveted Underground cache, that will contain one of the top two tiers of gear in the game, either 240 or 268 Gearscore for armor, or 204 or 229 for weapons. I believe the higher GS you are, the more likely you are to land a max GS item.

As for my character, I found him a bit underpowered when I logged in, thanks to recent nerfs to my exact build, a Striker/SMG combo. The first two bonuses of the Striker set have been nerfed, and so has SMG damage a bit. But, for someone who wasn’t already maxed liked me,Underground proved very rewarding, very quickly. I jumped my Gearscore about 15-20 levels in just a few hours, having found a full 240 set of new BLIND armor, and an assault rifle so overpowered (the G36) that Massive already has plans to nerf it. Finding fresh power, at least initially, was not a problem.

As for the missions themselves, I was very curious to see how The Division would handle procedurally generated content. One of the key selling points of the game is how rich and detailed the map design was, and while I like a lot about Diablo, randomly generating a dark cave or crypt in that game seems a little less complex than what The Division has to do with Underground, mixing and matching pieces that fit into coherent areas for third person shooter gameplay.

Massive has done a really good job with this aspect of the content. After a few hours, you will start to see the same pieces and rooms over and over again, but the way they’re combined usually feels pretty seamless, and for randomly generated encounters, it’s pretty impressive. Also varied are the objectives, which are things you’ve already come across in the game, just sprinkled throughout these levels. One instance may have you defending generators or JTF officers. Others may have you hunting down lieutenants. All of them will spring a boss on you at some point.

The timing of these instances vary wildly. For one segment, you’re told to expect a mission to take under 15 minutes. When I was playing solo, it seemed like some of the missions (generator defense) took closer to twenty, but weirdly when I was given a twenty minute timer in a different mission to hunt down a specific boss, that took under four minutes. And obviously which type of enemies you encounter is a factor as well. The LMB, for instance, are just straight up better equipped to make your life hell than Rioters, so that plays into it as well. But I don’t think thereneeds to be a consistent average time here, and though a few missions seemed to drag a bit with unnecessary filler segments, I don’t really have a problem with the way the system works.

One thing I know people will want to know is if finally, this is a good way to farm for solo players. I’ve always been a proponent of better options for solo players in this game and many others (don’t get me started on Destiny’s lack of endgame matchmaking), and I had heard good things aboutUnderground, in terms of it being balanced for true solo play.

But it isn’t. Not really.

The problem, once again, is a complete lack of checkpoints or “second chances” for solo players. If you die in an instance, since there is no one to revive you, you are warped back to base. You do not get XP for the attempt, you do not get XP for any enemies you’ve killed along the way. You get nothing. You have utterly wasted your time.
“Not dying” seems like easy enough advice, but the problem in procedurally generated maps with random enemy encounters is that you can’t really learn anything, predict anything. As a solo player, all it takes is one shotgunner spawning out of a door behind you to end your entire instance, no questions asked. And upping the difficulty, and turning on a modifier like no minimap/enemy indicators? There’s no way you won’t die from sheer bad luck periodically.

Once again, soloing difficult (and therefore rewarding) content here is something that is for players who are A) extremely good at the game B) have extremely good gear or C) both. In other words, probably not 90% of the playerbase. And that’s fine. I love watching videos of people soloing Incursions with pistols or 1v8 Rogue hunting, but for the average person that just wants to farm by themselves? This is really not the greatest activity for that, and just like we saw with HVTs, eventually you just hit a wall with the difficulty as a solo player.
But while you can solo many of these missions, it is almost never efficient to. The risk of dying once and losing the last 10-20 minutes is significant, and you will die and be very angry about it. Grouping up, once again, is the logical choice so there are 1-3 other people to save your bacon, and even as enemies increase in numbers, you will probably burn through them fast as a group anyway. The most useful rewards come from Underground caches, so you want to get as much XP as possible, as quickly as possible. That means group play is your best bet. Even as Mr. Solo, I soon gave up that dream and realized that the activity was just plain better in every way as a group. So while it might be a good activity overall, to answer that question, no, I don’t really think this is a better solo activity than HVTs or challenge missions or anything other endgame content the game has to offer. All the usual problems still remain.

I will say my grouping experience was good. Maybe it’s just day one and the people playing are The Division faithful who are super excited about new content, but I was never kicked from a group before or during a mission. I never wiped in a group. It was fast, fun and rewarding. Far from the nightmare of trying to get a proper Incursion or DZ group together through randomized matchmaking, so far, it’s the best experience with random players I’ve had in the game. In this sense, it is a good solo activity, given how easy it is to match and run missions. Just…not if you want to actually play by yourself.

My only critique of the matchmaking system is that while you can specify what type of game you’re looking for (what difficultly, yes/no modifiers) the group leader is in charge of creating the mission. I played many games where we requested Hard, but the leader flipped the switch to Challenging and everyone promptly got massacred, or I showed up and there were two modifiers running when I didn’t want to be bothered with them.

I find the modifier aspect of Underground interesting, but I’m not sure how I feel about it overall. For a mere extra 10% XP, it doesn’t seem worth it to take away your minimap, enemy indicators and even damage indicators, turning levels intro frustrating experiences where it’s easy to be snuck up on by shotgunners or melee enemies (it’s also a way to make sure you never find Underground audiologs, which are 300 XP each). All the rest are also just ways to make the game more irritating, like letting you rarely use skills, giving you way less ammo, or just flat-out draining your health. I understand the “challenge” concept behind them, but honestly, I felt like it was worth the slight cut in XP just to run through the missions normally. But once you start adding up the multiple bonuses, I suppose I can see the appeal. I just wish there were a few fun modifiers, rather than things to just make gameplay more of a chore. I guess this is the “Halo skulls” philosophy of challenge, which many do like (but even Halo threw in a few fun ones).

The cache system, so far, has been very rewarding. It’s nice that you can play the game at essentially any level, and start getting 240/204 armor/weapons immediately. It’s fun to work toward that next level, and that next cache, and it reminds me a bit of the loot crate system inOverwatch, only with rewards that actually have the potential to help you quite a great deal. TheUnderground levels themselves also do their best to be rewarding as well, hiding crafting materials, loot chests, and having bosses that drop HE and set gear along with Phoenix credits. Massive has done a lot to make Underground an attractive farming option.

But, I still take issue with the way it doles out rewards, and it comes back, as it always does, to the Gearscore system.

Take Hard mode, the difficulty that I feel most comfortable at in my present state, and where 95% of my group members are in the 200-240 gearscore range. If these are the kinds of people who are farming this level of content, why then are rewards from this difficulty all 182 GS gear, outside of Underground caches? Every run, you are farming…essentially nothing. Materials, pretty much. If you find a chest, that’s a 182 item, if you get an end of run reward, it’s a 182 item, if you kill a boss, it’s a 182 item, or if you’re really lucky, a 214 gear set item. You’re really only in it for the 750-1000 XP, as you work toward your next cache.

Again, this is the Diablo difference. If you’re running a level 30 Greater Rift, maybe your final boss will drop one level 70 legendary item. At a higher difficulty, level 40 Greater Rift, maybe he drops three. At level 60? Hell, he might drop eight. But the point is, it is the same level of item that is dropping, it’s only the rate that is changing.
Now, thanks to this new update, The Division drops “level 30” HE and set gear at 163, 182, 191, 204, 214, 229, 240 and 268. And there are hard limits in place so you just can’t get higher items unless you are doing ultra-high tiers of difficulty. Some may say that’s fair, but seeing a group of 220 GS players running a mission where the only reward is 182 GS gear is just weird.

Higher difficulties need to reward players with much higher drop rates, not drop quality if that makes sense. There is already so much RNG in getting good rolls on gear, but when you add innine different levels of Gearscore, it’s a mess. The point is, this is a larger problem The Divisionstill needs to address, and once again, it’s present in Underground like it is in so many other activities. The Division’s loot has been improved perhaps, but it is still a long way from where it needs to be. You can’t design a Diablo-ish activity like Underground, but not mirror the reward system, which is why people get hooked on infinite Rift runs and the game in general
Despite The Division’s larger looming loot issues, I can’t argue that Underground isn’t anything other than a new positive for the game. It’s a fun activity, they’ve done procedurally generated content well, and at least some aspects of it are pretty rewarding, the form of the cache system. I’ve enjoyed it so far, and I can see myself enjoying it for a while.

Sirin Labs' $17,000 Solarin Phone Finally Launches, But Is It Worth it?

Sirin Labs' $17,000 Solarin Phone Finally Launches, But Is It Worth it?

How much is too much for a cellphone that claims it is the most secure in the world? According to Sirin Labs, the maker of the Solarin handset, that price is $17,000 and a queue of celebrities are in line to snap one up.

At the London launch earlier this week, superstars Leonardo Di Caprio and Tom Hardy were on hand to lend their support, Hardy talking about the extreme lengths hackers will go to in order to monitor his cellphone activity.

According to the British actor, he ‘burns’ his phones all the time, relying on several cheap handsets and mobile numbers to protect his privacy. It’s not surprising that such personalities will pay top dollar for a handset if it can guarantee security.

But is the Solarin worth the money? Sirin Labs, the company behind it, certainly seems to think so. The product has been in development for two years at the company’s facilities in Sweden and Tel Aviv and it has spent $72 million in the process.
The company says that is made up of more than 2,500 inner components and can fight off any array of advanced device, network and application mobile cyberattack, without impairing functionality of its smartphone.

It also says that it incorporates the ‘most advanced privacy technology, currently unavailable outside the agency world’. It partnered with KoolSpan to integrate chip-to-chip 256-bit AES encryption, the same technology used by the world’s most advanced militaries.

“Cyberattacks are endemic across the globe. This trend is on the increase. Just one attack can severely harm reputations and finances. We are pioneering uncompromising privacy measures to provide customers with the reassurance necessary to handle business-critical information”, said Tal Cohen, CEO and Co-founder, Sirin Labs.

The power specs are impressive. The Solarin is is powered by a Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 810 processor with X10 LTE and Wi-Fi, and offers up to 450 Mbps downlink and up to 150 Mbps uplink speeds, coupled with support for 24 bands LTE compatibility.

It supports 802.11ac 2×2 MU-MIMO (multi user multiple input, multiple output) technology, offering up to three times the speed and capacity of conventional 1×1 configuration and incorporates WiGig™ (802.11ad) multi-gigabit Wi-Fi technology with speeds of up to 4.6Gbps, enabling near-instant cloud access.

Naturally, it also looks the part. It has titanium panels for structural strength, reinforced glass to protect the curved display screen as well as the camera lens and a technical leather back panel.
Moreover, its retail outlets are top end, being available in London’s prestigious store Harrods from June 30th, where the city’s oligarchs, celebrities and sheikhs are regular shoppers.

Is there a market for such a phone? Clearly, there is. $17,000 is small bills for those who have everything and regard their privacy as sacrosanct. If Hollywood stars such as Tom Hardy have to resort to extreme measures by burning phones and changing numbers, a luxury handset such as the Solarin is worth the price.

For other mortals such as you and me, we shall have to make do with our iPhones and Androids, but happy that we are not important enough to be hacked.

Fame and prestige have many drawbacks, but the Solarin will certainly help to sugar that particular pill. That $72 million in research is probably money very well spent.

AMD Radeon RX 480 Delivers High Quality VR At An Affordable Price

AMD Radeon RX 480 Delivers High Quality VR At An Affordable Price

There is no doubt in my mind that many gamers have been waiting for this day for quite some time. Today marks the launch of Advanced Micro Devices AMD +0.20%’ (AMD) new Radeon RX 480 GPU, the company’s first VR-capable GPU that is sold for $199. This GPU is AMD’s first new major GPU architecture change in quite some time, and although it is still part of the GCN family of graphics chips, it does have a lot of new capabilities and improvements that make it a worthy successor. AMD is positioning the RX 480 as the best GPU for high quality VR enabling both Facebook FB +0.06%’s Oculus Rift and the HTC HTCCY +% Vive VR headsets at a price point that has never been seen before. Most GPUs that are labelled as VR Ready by AMD and NVIDIA NVDA +0.89%were a good $100 or more than the RX 480 at launch.
Today, thanks to the competitiveness of the GPU market and the efficiency of the 14nm and 16nm FinFET processes from Globalfoundries and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company(TSMC), we are able to get fantastic GPUs with great performance for the same or less money. AMD has been building to this moment ever since the company started to support and talk about VR in early 2015. They have been developing new software and capabilities for VR and today the fruits of AMD’s efforts are available to not only those that can afford premium mid-range or high-end graphics cards. The RX 480 is the culmination of a lot of work from AMD and their partners and finally helps drive down the cost of a VR capable system to under $800. That means someone looking to use an Oculus Rift can get a whole VR system for under $1,500 and an HTC Vive and VR system for under $1,600. Driving down the cost of entry to VR is extremely important, and companies like AMD are driving that right now.

The RX 480 is touted as a VR certified GPU but also one that enables a very good gaming experience outside of VR as well. After all, there still aren’t that many VR games on the market, and not everyone is going to be able to afford a VR capable PC and a new VR headset right away. So, naturally, people are going to want to see how the GPU performs in regular games as well as VR. As such, I wanted to take a look at overall performance of the Radeon RX 480 in regular games against the competition and also to see how good the experience was in VR in the short time that I’ve had to test the GPU.

That means testing the Radeon RX 480 in synthetic benchmarks, real games and even VR benchmarks—not to mention, also trying to use the RX 480 in VR. Also, keep in mind that while AMD is touting the RX 480 as a $199 GPU, the GPU sent to us for testing was the 8GB which cost $239. This is somewhat similar to what NVIDIA has done with their GTX 1080 and 1070, where they provide the press and most consumers with one version of the GPU and talk about a lower MSRP based on AIB custom designs. However, in all of my testing (done at 1440p resolution), I never once actually saw any need for 8GB of VRAM. In fact, I would recommend most gamers buy the 4GB version of this GPU unless they find the necessity to have 8GB or feel more comfortable paying 20% more for the comfort of having 8GB.

In my testing, I used two different systems. One for benchmark testing and one for roomscale VR testing on the HTC Vive. Both systems are running Windows 10 and Intel INTC +2.76% Core i7 CPUs, one being a 6-core 4960X, the other being an eight-core 5960X. The eight-core system has 32GB of RAM while the six-core has 16GB. Both systems are running on SSDs and have the latest drivers: version 16.6.2 from AMD and 368.39 from NVIDIA. The GPUs tested were the AMD Radeon RX 480 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070. Each of these cards represents the best value GPU from the company and the latest GPU architecture and latest GPU offering. However, the difference in price between the two GPUs is nearly double with most GTX 1070s selling for well over $400. This is important to consider when you look at the performance of these two GPUs side by side. In terms of price, right now the only competitive GPUs  NVIDIA has are the last generation GTX 970 and 960, but I do not have either of those to test.

Synthetic Benchmarks

In the industry standard 3DMark Fire Strike benchmark, the RX 480 scored 10,535 points compared to the GTX 1070’s 15,264. In the SteamVR benchmark, which tests to see if a GPU can handle VR performance, the RX 480 scored well into the ‘ready’ category with an average quality score of 6.7 and 8,597 total frames rendered. The GTX 1070 actually maxed out the VR readiness scoring system with a score of 11 and 12,291 frames rendered. In both of these benchmarks, you can see that the GTX 1070 is without a doubt faster, but is only about 50% faster in both cases at about double the price or 100% more cost. That means the RX 480 is a much better deal in terms of performance per dollar, which is pretty impressive when you consider how big of a deal the GTX 1070 was at launch.

Game Benchmarks

I also tested the RX 480 in games like Ashes of the Singularity as well as Hitman and DOOM. In Ashes of the Singularity, I tested both GPUs in DX12 at the high quality preset and got an FPS of 64.6 on the GTX 1070 and 47.3 FPS on the RX 480. This makes the RX 480 a little over 25% slower than the GTX 1070 while being around 50% cheaper. That means that the RX 480 translates to $5 per FPS while the GTX 1070 translates to $6.6 per FPS, making the RX 480 a better value.
In Hitman, both GPUs were tested at high presents in DirectX 12 and the RX 480 performed at 56.39 FPS average while the GTX 1070 performed at 69.17 FPS. Once again, the GTX 1070 is the faster of the two, but it is also intended for a much higher price segment at double the price. As a result, the RX 480 delivers a value metric of $4.2 dollars per FPS and the GTX 1070 at $6.2 per FPS. This benchmark clearly delivers more performance per dollar with both GPUs, but the AMD RX 480 is simply the better value of the two for a small tradeoff in performance.
For DOOM, the latest game I tested, the price-to-performance delta was less noticeable with the GTX 1070 producing an average of 106 FPS at high settings while the RX 480 produced 64 FPS average at the same settings. Going back to dollars per FPS, using the $239 and $429 pricing for each of these GPUs, the RX 480 is as low as $3.7 per FPS while the GTX 1070 is $4. This means that for DOOM, the performance difference is bigger and as a result the performance-per-dollar appears to be much closer. Both cards delivered a very smooth DOOM experience and I was extremely impressed with how well it ran on both cards at high graphical settings.

As a side note, during none of my testing did I ever use more than 4,096MB of RAM on this GPU, which means that users can save themselves some money and buy the 4GB version of this card for $199. I say that because 8GB is probably good when you have something like a GTX 1080 and are running things at much higher settings, but this is a $199 GPU and runs games at lower settings and doesn’t really run games well at settings that would use more than 4GB of VRAM.

Overclocking and Power Consumption

In terms of overclocking, the RX 480 was interesting, yielding only a 6% overclock in terms of clock speed. However, the surprising part was that when testing my overclocking performance in 3DMark the 3DMark score actually went up by more than 6%, increasing to a score of 11,487 from 10,535 or about 9% performance. I do believe, however, that this GPU could probably overclock further if it had more power supplied with dual 6-pin connectors on a custom card since I was hitting the 150W power draw limit. I could see this GPU going well beyond a 9% performance improvement with the right power delivery and cooling. Under normal usage and gaming, the GPU never hit 150W and stayed under 90C. AMD’s WattMan software, which can be used to control the GPU is included in the drivers and allows you to lower the operating temperature and increase the fan speed if you believe 90C is too high to let a GPU get before it speeds up the fan. I prefer to keep mine at 80C, but there was no noticeable different in noise that I could tell.

VR Usage

I also used the Radeon RX 480 in VR hooked up to an HTC Vive and I played multiple games including Space Pirate Trainer, #SelfieTennis, Catlateral Damage, Raw Data and The Lab. These games varied in complexity and graphical intensity, but since most of them were made for VR, they are all very FPS- and latency-sensitive, and I experienced no difference in terms of experience. In fact, I could have easily blindly tested the system and not known if it was the $1,500 Radeon Pro Duo that I normally keep in the VR PC or the $239 Radeon RX 480. And that is the beauty of the RX 480 in VR, it delivers a good enough experience for VR right now that more people can afford to try VR and to do it with a cheaper upgrade than ever before.

Wrap Up

The RX 480 is not intended to be a flagship GPU; it isn’t even intended to be a very fast GPU. The RX 480 is designed to be a GPU that delivers a very good value with good performance and a great price. It also does this while being able to deliver enough performance to be able to run both Facebook’s Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive and have certification from both. I can personally say that the HTC Vive runs extremely smoothly on the RX 480, and to me that is a major win for AMD and VR gaming. I expect that there will be other VR headsets out there in the future like the OSVR headset, and there’s a very good chance that the RX 480 will be the GPU of choice for gamers using those as well. At the $199 price point, the RX 480 4GB variant is the best option for consumers today and even though the 8GB is the currently available model at launch, there is still great promise for very inexpensive PC VR. This means that many gamers with semi-capable PCs may be only $199 away from having a VR ready PC and if they don’t have one they can build one for under $799.